Donna Burke

Donna Burke is an Australian actress, singer, writer and entrepreneur known for her songs and roles in video games including Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill 2 and 3 and for being the English announcer on the Tokyo to Osaka Shinkansen bullet train.
Despite singing for METAL GEAR IN CONCERT or acting in violent, dystopian, horror stealth games, Donna's brand is cheerful, funny and warm, which makes sense as she is also the inventor of HOTTEEZE - Japanese heat pads which she exports to Australia, NZ and the UK.
When she is not trying to eliminate the world from back pain, Donna obsesses over toilet masking gadgets - her dream being to be able to perform in symphonic concerts all over the world and have a ROYAL FLUSHH JapanToilet Sound in every loo - to cover farts, plops and splashes the way bathrooms in Japan do.
Donna has proudly jujitsued painful high school taunts of her "loving the sound of your own voice" into a successful international career spanning game, anime, rail and...toilets.


I'm the Voice of the Tokaido Shinkansen - Donna Burke
Donna reacts to her Metal Gear songs + memes 2021
Sins of the Father - Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra - 2018
Glassy Sky - Donna Burke - Tokyo Ghoul Anime 2015
Youtube Selection
Despite singing and acting in dystopian horror stealth games, Donna’s brand is cheerful, funny and warm, which makes sense as she is also the inventor of Hotteeze, Japanese heat pads endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association.
When she is not trying to eliminate the world from back pain, Donna writes YA, comedy and romcoms featuring fish out of water stories. Which is what she was when she arrived in Tokyo back in 1996.
Donna has proudly jujitsued painful high school taunts of her “loving the sound of your own voice” into a successful international career spanning game, anime, television and… rail.

The Officially Unofficial Metal Gear Solid Movie Theme Song
Original composition by Metal Gear in Concert arranger,Nicholas Buc and Donna Burke with the Macedonian Symphony recorded in 2019.
No movie executives were harmed in the making of this art.
Visit https://www.metalgearsolidthemovie.com/our-story
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